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Intercom System

             An intercom system is a two-way communication electronic device that contains circuitry for the purpose of transmitting and receiving audio and/or video transmissions. The wide variety of systems available are as follows:

  • Wireless Intercoms: In applications where wires cannot be                                                                                                                              run, a wireless system is used.

  • Wired Intercom Systems: When you can run wires between                                                                                                                              locations, a wired system can give you a little more privacy                                                                                                                             and eliminate possible interference from neighboring                                                                                                                                            systems.

  • Video Intercom: These typically have a unit that has a                                                                                                                                 camera, speaker, and a push button that goes at an                                                                                                                               entrance door, and an internal monitor unit that can                                                                                                                           communicate with the entrance unit.

  • Apartment Intercoms: This type of system has a door unit at an entrance                                                                                                             door and then each apartment or flat has either one or multiple units that can speak to the door and possibly see the visitor,                           or the door unit rings a landline or cellular telephone number.

  • Two-Way Radios: While these are technically not intercoms, there are two-way radios that communicate                                                     with base station intercoms.

            Checking the identity of a person entering or exiting a premise whether he or she is a friend, family member or stranger is a basic security measure performed in both homes and offices. Not all people realize that there are security risks when approaching strangers. You can't really know what their intentions are.


            Ideally, a person or security guard performs this duty and ensures only authorized personnel or known individuals have access to the premises. Unfortunately, not all people can afford to hire full time personnel to guard their entrances and exit. Is there an alternative solution? Yes, ZLK Consultancy and Engineering Services offer you intercoms and video door phones that provides an inexpensive ways of monitoring people entering and exiting your premises. Using a intercom system, you can check who is outside your door and talk to him or her before approaching. With a video door phone or intercom system in place, you have protection against possible attack when approaching an unknown individual.

Intercom System for Homes and Offices
aiphone ax-series
Aiphone GTV-DES202 Video Intercom Entrance Station
IS Series IP Product Focus
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